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The first Data Academy training is on!

datathon mkToday, we started the first Data Academy training in the Balkan region: workshops in Skopje. Organized and led by Metamorphosis Foundation representatives Dona Dzambarska and Elena Ignatova, co-facilitated by Tin Geber from the engine room, allowed us to gather 15 participants form Macedonia. The participants are firm group of activists and civic tech specialists involved in transparency work in Macedonia.

The training will consist of getting to know the concept of data, open data and data-based advocacy, followed by some excellent skills sharing, and from the beginning of day two focusing on building specific projects based on data. This process won’t end in Skopje only, the projects will be developed further during upcoming POINT conference and the Data Academy Data-thon in Sarajevo, where groups from all the region will have a chance to meet, exchange experiences, but also meet and work with international data experts.

From today, we will be working together three days, till Friday nd you can follow us or join the discussion on Twitter, using #DataAcademy hashtag.

picture by Andrzej Wójtowicz CC-BY-SA