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TV Istinomjer: BiH officials on the conditions of the IMF

Alisa Karović

Fullscreen capture 3.3.2014 141310After the International Monetary Fund demanded to meet the conditions of the loan agreement in order to continue of payment of the loan in the amount of 254 million KM, the loan agreement with the IMF has become a burning issue in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to the adoption of the new entity Labor Laws, the IMF has demanded cuts in income at all levels of government, and among other things, the new entity laws on banks. The deadline for the fulfillment of these conditions was December 13, 2013., but after our country has been faced with social unrest, conditions that were previously signed, besides having delays in the implementation, have also suddenly become unacceptable for local politicians.

TV Istinomjer is available in Bosnian.