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Announcement: Days of activism

imagesThe exhibition, Sarajevo protests, as part of manifestation Days of activism, after stops in Sarajevo, Zenica, Žepče, and other BiH town, will continue the tour on Friday (12. 2.) in Bihać. Manifestation Days of activism will be open until Friday February 12th 2010 with protest march in Bihać under the motto silence is acceptance.

The march of members and sympathizers of movement “Dosta!” along with protesters from Bihać will display dissatisfaction with the situation in BiH which is in ever greater crisis as everyday more and more people are left without work or pay, often late for months even when employed, while government officials are growing in wealth.
After the march, at 6:30 pm, the Bihać army hall will host the opening of exhibition of photographs taken during the Sarajevo protests. At 7 pm a public round table will follow on the subject of Civic activism and responsible government which will be attended by the mayor of Bihać Hamdija Lipovača, mayor of Bosanski Petrovac Ermin Hajdar, chief editor of online magazine BUKA from Banja Luka, and Sanel Huskić, president of ACIPS.

The Army hall will host a screening of a documentary Democracy in translation on 13th of February 7pm. The film documents the protest that took place in Sarajevo after the murder of a innocent boy Denis Mrnjavac which took place two years ago in a tram in front of passengers that did nothing to prevent the murder.