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Days of activism in Bihać

bihaćIn organization of U.G. ¨Zašto ne¨ and movement Dosta in Bihać, activities were held as part of the “Days of activism” from 12 – 14 of February 2010. Activities which took place during the Bihać tour included: Public round table  – ¨Civic activism and responsible government¨, exhibition of photographs “Sarajevo protests”, film screening “Democracy in translation”.
As part of the public round table, activists and the public were addressed by: Hamdija Lipovača, Nermin Hajder, Azrija Piralić, Sanel Huskić, Alma Midžić and Demir Mahmutćehajić. The public round table discussion concluded the need for better cooperation between organizations of civil society and government representatives and also highlighted current problems and lack of communication.

Although the prime minister of Una – Sana Canton Šemsudin Dedić was invited, he did not attend the round table.