Public figures support campaign „Budi građanin/ka – za BiH bez diskriminacije!“ (Be a citizen – BiH without discrimination)

Campaign „Budi građanin/građanka – Za BiH bez diskriminacije!“ (Be a citizen – BiH without discrimination), by Coalition “Jednakost” (Equality), is conducting a photo campaign of public figures who do not support the current discriminatory system in BiH. Support for the photo-campaign was given by public figures from all walks of life, including musicians, actors, film directors, professors, journalists, and others whose photos can be seen on web page the of the campaign.
Support for the campaign was given by Sarajevo actor Mladen Jeličić Troko, stating that he identifies as a Bosnian of citizen orientation.
„I want to live in a country of equal persons, without racism, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism. All people are my friends except those who don’t want to be” stated Troko.
Of the similar opinion is Sarajevo film director Srđan Vuletić, stating „I am still naive and believe that people should only be divided by good and bad“.
Actor Senad Bašić stated” every unchecked nationalism is the greatest evil that can find man “.
Film director Tanja Miletić-Oručević supports the campaign and states „the basis of the BiH political system, which recognizes only collective rights, and only for the members of the three constituent peoples, is in its core discriminatory. “
„They created a system to discriminate others, anyone with a different identity. As a citizen and artist I will always protest against such terror” stated Tanja Miletić-Oručević.
Sarajevo actor and comedian, Mirza Tanović that BiH without discrimination represents his long held belief.
“I never recognized nations and races. During the 80-s I made fun of nationalism. In 1992 people started killing each other for reasons I made fun of earlier”, stated Tanović.
“My personal motive for giving support to this campaign is due to a sense of justice and elementary human rights for personal, gender, national, class, religious, professional and every other form of equality. To be on the side of those who are discriminated and disparaged is my basic duty as a citizen of this country”, stated the director of the Center for contemporary art in Sarajevo Dunja Blažević.
President of the “Kali Sara” association, Dervo Sejdić, states that “only in a BiH of equal citizens does he feel equal and safe”.
Support for the campaign was also given by journalists Almir Terzić, Zoran Ćatić, Dario Novalić, Vildana Selimbegović and Mimo Šahinpašić, director of NGO Gariwo Svetlana Broz, executive director of the Human Rights House Srđan Dizdarević, and many others whose photographs you can see in the gallery.