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Why not as part of the Coalition 143 participated in the two-day conference in Berlin

koalicija-143Upon the invitation by the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Why not, as a member of the Coalition 143 for the local government, participated in the two-day conference in Berlin, which was aimed at presenting the objectives of the Coalition 143 to different organizations and individuals in Germany who are dealing with issues related to BiH or other topics concerning the coalition. Within the conference, meetings were organized with representatives of the Bundestag, the Association of Municipalities and Cities of Germany, experts in the field of agriculture, as well as with different actors of the political life at the roundtable held at the conference.

In addition we are transmitting the announcement of the Coalition 143 on this issue:

The representatives the Coalition for Local Government (K-143), along with the Mayor of Cazin, Nermin Ogresevic, and Deputy Mayor of Sarajevo, Miroslav Zivanovic, visited Berlin on October 29th in order to introduce the coalition and its program objectives. The organization Heinrich Boell Stiftung, located in Sarajevo, has assumed the costs of organizing this three-day event, while the representatives of the organization DPC were also involved in the organization of panels and conferences.

The representatives of the coalition had the opportunity to meet with representatives of Germany and Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Parliamentary Group, Joseph Juratovic and Marieluise Beck and to expose through constructive dialogue the agenda of the Coalition 143 that met with widespread approval of German parliamentarians. An expert meeting was also held on the potential for rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina that will be a focus of the coalition in the future, as well as an interview with Tobias Reichert (Germanwatch) on EU agricultural policy, with a focus on the implementation and application of features of models and solutions of the EU in the context of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian agriculture.

Mr. Nermin Ogresevic and Mr. Miroslav Zivanovic, through a series of discussions, panels and conferences have had a chance to meet representatives of the associations that are part of the coalition as well as get a much better insight into the synergy of the concept of local self-government with its own efforts in the context of local government levels strengthening, and the increase the number of jurisdictions. This has certainly set the foundation for future cooperation between the Coalition 143 and these cities.