Presentation of UG „Zašto ne” projects on the festival „Šta ima?” in Munich
During the “Šta ima?” festival, which takes place in March and April and is organized by the Munich City Cultural Center Glockenbachwerkstatt, representatives of UG „Zašto ne” Boris Brkan and Dalio Sijah for nearly two hours were presenting current organization’s projects and also spoke about the issue of civic engagement in BiH.
Current political and social situation became the most interesting topic, but also the audience wanted to learn more about civic activism in BiH. That is why Boris Brkan summarized developments in this field since 2005., up to the moment of protests in Bosnia in early February 2014., about which the audience was informed through the media.
When it comes to EU integration process of our country, the discussion concerned the deadlock in this field and the role of EU and the international community on the political scene of BiH.
The implementation of the “Sejdić-Finci” decision of European Court of Human Rights, and its impact on the further progress of applying for the EU membership was the reason for presenting the “Better Constitution” project, which aims at including citizens in the process of constitutional change and allowing them to better understand the existing Constitution. The audience was also informed about Coalition “Equality” activities in this field.
Taking into account that this year will be all about the General Elections, the discussion concerned also the Istinomjer project, which is informs the citizens about governments’ activities and the level of fulfilment of campaign promises by the political parties