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Responsible Data Forum

Alisa Karović

RDFpostcard_thumborderFor any organization working with data a reflection over the responsible usage should be necessary.

This autumn in Budapest more than 50 experts from all over the world met to talk in about what is responsible data and how to act responsible when dealing with it. Two representatives of “UG Zašto ne” also took part in this very interesting event, contributing with the Balkan expertize to the global bucket of experiences and good practices.

The event was no-usual conference, laptops and mobiles were almost banned and everybody were constantly being re-mixed in different groups, so we had opportunity to meet everybody. This design helped in getting expertize out of heads and add putting it in wider context.

And while more than 30 topics around data were discussed in short way, about 10 were main topics for this two-day event. Short, about one hour discussions touched the issues of e.g. responsible data campaign; responsible visualization; discussion on how to respond to sex exploitation in solidarity, not paternalism; human rights documentation or responsible data standards, while the same people in ten groups for two days were working on topics like data in the project lifecycle; digital first aid kit; atomized security plans for organizations or primer on responsible data in development.

The outcomes from the discussions and group work were very action-oriented and aimed at being useful for practitioners.

Materials from the event are still being collected, but you can check the website of the project to see what topics were discussed or/and contact the organizers from the engine room to get more information.

The Responsible Data Forum is a series of collaborative events, co-organized by Aspiration and the engine room, and convened in the first half of 2014 to develop useful tools and strategies for dealing with the ethical, security and privacy challenges facing data-driven advocacy. Learn more at:

More about what responsible data is available at: