CA Why Not and Stećak Association: Campaign “Citizens of BiH before everything!”

Our long-standing partnership with youth organization from BiH in Norway,
the association “Stećak” has continued this year. “Stećak” and “Why Not”
will this time try to bring together all issues related to the upcoming census, its effects and
technical aspects.
Joint activities of the Why not and Stećak will include promotion campaign
“Citizens of BiH before everything”, a public forums, online promotion
activities and education, as well as all other activities that will promote the
declaration of Bosnians in the census, and the census as the first step in the process
of abolition of institutional discrimination of all those who do not identify themselves
as members of the constituent people.
The first of the activities that will take place in the framework of this cooperation
is disscusion in Oslo, on the 26.01.2013., which will be attended by activist of the
UG “Why not,” Darko Brkan, along with Muhamed Mešić, a prominent activist and
one of the most educated and talented Bosnians, and prof. Besim Spahić, professor
at the Faculty of Political Sciences in BiH.