Darko Brkan respond to the controversial statements made by SNSD General Secretary Rajko Vasić

I think that this is one of the last attempts to create legitimacy to what is already characterized by the voters in Republic of Serbia as a failed policy and ultimately will on the next election, perhaps even earlier, experience a complete defeat, commented Darko Brkan president of Association of Citizens “Why not” in his statement for FENAagency recent media appearances of the SNSD General Secretary Rajko vasić.
Vasić said that the action of the voter registration in prewar home addresses of the civic coalition ” first March” , ”may be the beginning of the inter-threatening destruction that will affect entire Balkan, and that can end by war more difficult than they were civil, interfaith and inter-ethnic wars at the end of the last century.”
” He used the declaration of war and the fact that RS should not even accept the certain laws that come from Bosnia. I think it’s clear what is it about, that we are talking about manipulation of public opinion and that there is a threat of serious constitutional order of BiH”, said Brkan.