Mentorship program for young journalists from the Western Balkans
Mediacentar Sarajevo and the Association Why Not, with the financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, invites young journalists from the Western Balkans to apply for the regional mentorship program “Solutions and Innovations in Media”.
The program will run from May 9 to August 9, 2022, and is intended for young journalists from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia and Serbia.
The aim of the program is to encourage and train young journalists to report on the problems faced by the media and journalists in the Western Balkans, but also to report on their solutions.
The application deadline is April 25, 2022.

What does the program consist of and how long does it last?
The program will be held from May 9, 2022 to August 9, 2022, and will consist of the following:
1. Preparation and initial research on the media and the media sector in the Western Balkans with a focus on the following topics: media sustainability, content regulation and moderation, and the safety of journalists.
2. Attendance and reporting from the regional conference “Solutions and Innovations in Media”, which will be held on May 19-20, 2022 in Sarajevo.
3. Work on individual stories about problems and solutions in the media in the Western Balkans.
All phases of the program will be held with the mentorship support. The entire program will be held in English.
For every participant in the program, a scholarship in the amount of 1030 euro will be provided, which covers the work on individual stories and reporting from the conference. The trip, accommodation and food during the conference in Sarajevo (May 19-20) will be covered by the organizers.
What are the obligations of the participants?
Participants will be required to do the following:
– Through desk research, together with mentors, prepare data on the situation in the media in their countries on the following topics: media sustainability, regulation and moderation of content, security of journalists (from May 9 to May 19, 2022).
– Attend the conference in Sarajevo on May 19 and 20, 2022, and with mentorship support prepare one news article (600 words) and one interview (1000 words) and submit them for publication.
– After the conference, with the support of mentors, work on individual stories about problems and solutions in the media in their countries. Stories should have at least 1500 words, 4-5 interviewees, and information about the problem and the solution.
What do participants get?
The entire program is designed in such a way that participants will first research the problem (work on desk research), then during the conference develop or strengthen their skills for writing news and conducting interviews, and after the conference, develop their skills for writing analytical articles.
Participants will have the opportunity to work with experienced journalists and be part of the newsroom of the regional conference in Sarajevo (May 19 and 20). Participants will gain knowledge about the media and the media sector in the Western Balkans, but also about good solutions in European countries.
During the conference, participants will have the opportunity to meet journalists and editors from the region and the world.
Who can apply and how?
Young journalists (up to 30 years old) from the countries of the Western Balkans have the right to participate: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, and Serbia.
The following is required:
– Excellent knowledge of English (reading, writing articles in English and conducting interviews in English)
– At least one year of experience in the media and preferably completed at least a bachelor degree at one of the departments of journalism or communication
– Minimum three published texts, radio or TV reports (preferably in English)
– Solid knowledge of the media scene in their country
To apply, you need to submit the following:
• Completed application form, which you can download here. In the form, it is obligatory to suggest a topic that you would like to write about during the mentoring period and where would you like to publish it.
• CV (including names and contacts of two references)
• Motivation letter up to 300 words
• Three articles or texts (at least one in English and preferably an report about the media)
Applications with the subject (e-mail) “Mentoring Program Solutions and Innovations in Media 2022“ can be sent to e-mail: [email protected], until midnight on April 25, 2022. The application form, CV and motivation letter should be in English language. Applications received after this deadline, or incomplete, will not be considered. If you have additional questions, you can send them to the above e-mail by April 23. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
