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POINT 2.0 Program

Program-300x225Program of events for POINT 2.0 conference is already available for viewing. The conference will be held between 23rd and 26th of May in Sarajevo, premises of Art House Cinema Kriterion, The four day conference will feature over 50 presenters from the region and the globe with numerous multimedia presentations, workshops, panel discussion, and other events. Schedule of all events can be viewed here.

The conference will give special attention and focus towards application of new technologies byregional civil society organizations, including presentations of most prominent projects from BiH, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania. Large number of included participant are coming from the Middle East and North Africa regionsand will feature presentations of their experiences in applying new technologies during the Arab Spring movements and post-revolution monitoring of elected officials.

First two days of POINT 2.0 conference will feature a series of lectures, panel discussions, and presentations. The third day will feature the POINT@unconference segment which enables participants to select program events they wish to attend and also allows participants to nominate their own presentations, workshops, or subject areas by following instructions on POINT 2.0 website for selecting and nominating program content.

The third and fourth day of POINT 2.0  will feature the Code Sprint challenge for coding websites in cooperation with community boost_r platform for exchanging ideas of civil society organizations. Code Sprint competition will feature seven developers from BiH, Serbia, and Kosovo that will qualify by participating in community boost_r online challenges. Code Sprint presents an open challenge for projects that rely on new technologies designed to involve the public in fostering changes within their community.