Presentation of new interactive plaform “Better Constitution”

The first interactive platform for mapping of the Constitution of BiH “Better constitution” was presented today in Sarajevo by Darko Brkan, Boris Brkan and Dalio Sijah, members of CA Why not.
They pointed out that this is the first crowd sourcing site for Constitutional issues in Bosnia and region, that allows all users to make comments on the three Constitutions in BiH.
Website “Better constitution” was created with the aim for better informing of the citizens of BiH’s about the current constitutional arrangements in BiH. This page should also create a space for public and open exchange of views on the current and the future constitutional arrangements, so all interested parties can offer its own
version of the amendments to the constitutional arrangements in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to comment on the existing and proposed constitutional solutions.
As Brkan Darko, the President of the Association “Why not”, pointed, this platform has come at a time when the constitutional topic and legislation are the most current issue in today’s BH society, and that is in the process of constitutional reform really needed that the citizens and give their opinion about.
“In the constitutional reform process of BiH, citizens had very little or no space to present their views on the constitutional arrangements for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Citizens now, through this platform, can give their opinion and agree or disagree with all three of the specific provisions of the Constitution of BiH”, said Brkan .
After the official presentation participants had the opportunity to go through the platform, and all interested can do so via the link