CA “Why not” at the Personal Democracy Forum in Gdańsk

BIRN, VOA and Raskrinkavanje: “Fake News and Mobile Journalism in the Digital Age”

“Raskrinkavanje” and “Istinomjer” in the IFCN Advisory Board

The work of “Raskrinkavanje” verified by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN)

POINT 8.0 – Apply for a Travel and Accommodation Fellowship

Apply to be a speaker on POINT 8.0 Conference

“Media and Information Literacy” workshop was held in Banja Luka

Call for Proposals: Civil Society for Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in SEE

Round table discussion: “The Current State of the European Integration Process of Bosnia and Herzegovina”

The Regional Roadmap on good governance for the Western Balkans countries has been published